Influencer Marketing Package & Pricing

Pricing designed for campaigns of all sizes.

Looking for influencer marketing services in Malaysia? Look no further! Our transparent pricing and customizable solutions are designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or foster deeper connections with your target audience, we’ve got you covered. Check out our latest influencer marketing services package and pricing, and contact us today to get started.

Influencer Marketing Package & Pricing Malaysia

Influencer Campaign Pricing Plans

Our Influencer Campaigns are tailored to fit the needs of brands, big or small. Our dedicated team consists of a digital campaign manager, influencer content manager, and experience production team. Our all-encompassing Influencer Marketing service includes:


Starter Self Service Plan

Completely Free
  • Access Influencer Search
  • Micro to Mid-Tier Influencers
  • Influencer vetting, contacting, & hiring
  • Creative Brief & Strategy Dev.
  • Campaign Manager
  • Comprehensive Campaign Report

Awareness Accelerate Plan

From RM5,000
  • Access Influencer Search
  • Micro to Mega Influencers
  • Influencer vetting, contacting, & hiring
  • Creative Brief & Strategy Dev.
  • Campaign Manager
  • Comprehensive Campaign Report

Social Growth Plan​

From RM20,000
  • Exclusive Influencer​ Search
  • Micro to Celebrity Influencer
  • Influencer vetting, contacting, & hiring
  • Creative Brief & Strategy Dev.
  • Content & Posting Management
  • Generating Web Traffic​
  • Paid Sponsorship​
  • Remarketed Conversion Ads​
  • Dedicated Outreach Specialist​
  • Campaign Manager
  • Comprehensive Campaign Report

Additional Services

In addition to our core offerings, we also provide a range of customizable services at Influenow to align with your specific influencer campaign objectives and desired outcomes. We encourage you to get in touch with us so we can discuss tailoring our services to meet your unique requirements. This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.

Instagram / Facebook Advertising

Our service blends paid advertising with influencer-generated content to improve your influencer campaigns. We can amplify your campaign content, retarget audiences, and launch paid social ads using influencer profiles to accelerate conversions and build credibility on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more.


We offer services to help you hire livestream influencers for your product launch or affiliate marketing campaigns. Livestream influencers can help promote your products through interactive, real-time broadcasts to their followers. Our team can assist you in finding the right influencers for your target audience and negotiating compensation for their services.

YouTube Video

We provide a range of services for YouTube influencer campaigns, including influencer vetting, outreach, and hiring. YouTube's long-form content offers unique advantages for promoting your brand. Our team will help you find the right influencers, and we can compensate them through various methods, such as monetary payments, product gifting, or affiliate marketing. We aim to maximize your brand's reach by promoting shared values, utilizing product placements, and gathering influencer product reviews and feedbac

Experiential & Event Activations

Plan and execute top-notch events, retail experiences, or targeted influencer activations that foster connections between people, places, and shared experiences. For instance, we can arrange for influencers to visit stores or go cafe hopping as part of their activation.​

Product Shipping & Logistics

To gather product reviews, our team will securely deliver your products to influencers. We will handle the shipping logistics, pack personalized boxes, and send your products to influencers throughout your campaign.

Sign up Influencer Campaign

Full Influencer Marketing Campaign

We provide a full range of influencer marketing services, from sourcing and engaging influencers to launching your campaign. Our goal is to provide a seamless experience for our clients, so you can focus on your business while we handle the details of your influencer marketing campaign.

Once you book a package, our dedicated Service Managers will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your influencer marketing campaign goals and requirements.

Based on your requirements, our Campaign Manager will search and compile a suitable list of influencers for your project. We will take into account your target audience, niche, and campaign objectives.

We will present you with a list of influencers and you will be asked to choose the best ones for your project. If you are not satisfied with our first list, we will provide you with a second or third list.

Based on your requirements, our Campaign Manager will search and compile a suitable list of influencers for your project. We will take into account your target audience, niche, and campaign objectives.

Refund Policy: If you are still not happy with our list within 7 days of receiving it, we will refund your booking with no questions asked.

Once you have selected your influencers, we will take complete responsibility for the project. We will coordinate with all influencers, sharing artwork, videos, and other materials as required. We will closely monitor the progress of the project and follow up with the influencers to ensure that everything is going according to plan.

At the end of the campaign, we will provide you with a comprehensive project execution report that outlines the results achieved, including metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that involves partnering with influential people on social media to promote a brand’s products or services. It works by leveraging the influencer’s credibility and reach to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate sales.
Brands are using influencer marketing campaigns more and more, often referred to as “paid social” or “sponsored content”. The purpose is to target specific online audiences by paying influencers to promote certain products or services to their followers.
Certainly! You have the freedom to select influencers for your campaign. To proceed, you must pay the advanced amount, which is 50% of the total campaign value. After receiving payment, we will invite your chosen influencers to collaborate with us. If they accept the invitation, we can proceed with them to execute your campaign.

Our team, led by a campaign manager, will design your brand activation campaign after gathering all necessary details from you. We’ll work closely with you to determine the campaign’s objectives and deliverables, ensuring that every step of the process is tailored to your needs. Trust us to handle the end-to-end design of your campaign, so you can focus on achieving your business goals.

Influencer marketing can help your business by increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, generating sales, and building credibility. It can also help you reach new audiences and connect with customers in a more authentic and meaningful way.
If you’re wondering how to find the right influencers for your brand, the first step is to identify your target audience and the social media platforms they use. After that, it’s important to search for influencers in your niche and analyze their content, engagement, and audience demographics to determine if they’re a good match for your brand. As an influencer marketing agency, we can help streamline this process for you. Our campaign manager can assist in identifying the most suitable influencers for your brand by first determining your target audience and the social media platforms they use. They will then conduct a thorough search for influencers in your specific niche and evaluate their content, engagement rates, and audience demographics to ensure they align with your brand.
The expenses associated with an influencer marketing campaign can fluctuate considerably based on a variety of factors, including the influencer’s reach and engagement, the type of content, and the campaign’s duration. Some influencers may charge a fixed fee, while others may work on a commission or product exchange basis. Fortunately, our influencer marketing agency can simplify this process for you by managing the budgeting and maximizing the results.
Determining whether an influencer is legitimate or not can be a challenge. However, we have developed a thorough screening process that goes beyond simply looking at follower counts. We prioritize our clients’ needs and assess the authenticity of influencers by evaluating metrics such as follower loyalty and engagement quality. With this approach, we ensure that we only collaborate with influencers who are genuine and will deliver value to our clients.
Influencers and celebrities differ greatly. While celebrities have a larger following, influencers cater to a specific niche and create content that resonates with a particular audience. In contrast to celebrities, influencers engage regularly with their followers and value their feedback.
The type of content you create for an influencer marketing campaign will depend on your goals and the influencer’s platform. Some common types of content include sponsored posts, stories, videos, and giveaways.
Influencers who have their own personal social media profiles are typically responsible for generating the content in influencer marketing campaigns. However, brands or influencer marketing agencies may also provide guidelines or instructions to ensure the content meets their quality standards. Ultimately, the goal is to create content that effectively promotes the brand or product being advertised while also resonating with the influencer’s audience.

Collaborating with influencers entails legal obligations, such as disclosure requirements, copyright laws, and endorsement guidelines, that should not be overlooked. To guarantee that you comply with all applicable regulations, it is critical to seek the advice of a legal professional. As an influencer agency, we can streamline the process and offer guidelines before engaging with influencers to ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Some best practices for working with influencers include setting clear expectations, maintaining open communication, providing creative freedom, offering fair compensation, and respecting the influencer’s time and expertise.

As an influencer marketing agency, our campaign managers play a crucial role in facilitating the content approval process for our clients. They work closely with both the brand and the influencer to ensure that the content meets everyone’s expectations and aligns with the campaign goals.

  • Our campaign managers help to establish clear communication channels between the brand and the influencer, ensuring that all parties are on the same page regarding content guidelines, messaging, and other requirements.
  • Our team also provides guidance and support to influencers to help them create content that meets the brand’s standards while still maintaining their authentic voice and style.
  • Once the influencer submits their content, our campaign managers will review it and provide feedback or request revisions if necessary.
  • Once the content is approved, we work with the influencer to ensure it is published on the agreed-upon platforms and channels.
  • Overall, our goal is to streamline the content approval process for our clients and ensure that the final product is of the highest quality and aligns with the brand’s messaging and goals.

To gauge the effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaign, it’s essential to track metrics such as reach, engagement, website traffic, and sales. Additionally, you can survey your customers to obtain insights into their brand perception and purchasing behavior. At Influencasia, we provide a comprehensive report for our influencer marketing clients, including both result monitoring during the campaign and post-campaign reporting and analysis.

If you’re interested in utilizing influencer marketing for your brand, the first step is to identify your objectives and target audience. Once you have done that, you can conduct research to identify suitable influencers, develop a campaign strategy, and monitor the results to optimize your approach over time. We are here to help you get started with influencer marketing. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you in reaching your objectives through effective influencer collaborations.

Start a campaign with us!

Submit the form below, tell us a bit more about your business, and we’ll be in touch shortly. Are you an Influencer? Sign up here